Monday, April 6, 2009

Sign the apology petition

The number of signatures for the Apology for Abuses at US Indian Schools petition recently
topped 2100 names on its way towards a goal of 10,000. Sponsored by White Bison, Inc., an
American Indian non-profit organization, plans call for the petition to be delivered to President
Barach Obama on June 24, 2009 at the conclusion of the cross-country Wellbriety Journey for
Forgiveness, which will begin on May 16, 2009 in Salem, Oregon.
The petition states, “We, the undersigned, call upon you to formally apologize on behalf of the
US Federal Government and the People of this Great Nation for the widespread abuse of Native
American children at the nearly 500 schools funded by the US government to assimilate Native
American people.”
White Bison, Inc, urges both Native and non-Native people alike who feel strongly about the
need for the US government to make this gesture of apology for the benefit of Native Americans
and for the integrity of the nation as a whole to sign the petition online right away. Those
interested can go to and click on the Petition link.

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